Hiking Sharing Session

Broga Hill

Broga Hill is located in the town of Semenyih, Selangor. It is also known as Bukit Lalang or the famous one is Bukit Broga. Broga Hill standing with 400 meters up to a hill. Broga Hill is one of the favourite hiking for outdoors, trail runners and photography lovers. It is a relatively simple hike which offers a panoramic view of the Broga town.
At Broga Hill, there do not have any public transportation provided. The easiest and most convenient way to go by car or motorcycle. At Broga Hill, there has a huge parking space at the foot of the mountain. Before this, the entrance only RM2.00 but now they're collecting RM2.00 per passenger. At the car park, there have to sell the coconut water, snack and also nasi lemak.

Landmark at Broga Hill is near with Nottingham is about to take 4 kilometres from Semenyih Town and after the Broga Hill also have Kampung Cina, Semenyih.
So I started climbed at Broga Hill at 6:30 a.m. Broga Hills have two trails to summits. Both trails start from the car park, diverge at the start of the Broga Hill trail, and merge back at the 2nd summit. For starting, we can choose between the two trails to climb. The old trail or the new trail. The old trait starts from the small fence opening on left at signboard at the parking. The old trail is more steps and more challenging. The new trail is straight under the big signboard also at the parking.
Broga Hills only have 3 peaks. For the first peak, must start by walking on a path till just before you reach the first peak where you have to climb a short but steep incline. There are no ropes, so you grab onto the bushy to help hoist yourself up. After reaching the first peak, continue hiking straight for about 270 meters to climb up to Broga Hill 2nd peak, which offers the best view out. The second peak, it is a short walk up from the first peak to the second peak. From the second peak, you can reach the third peak by hiking a further 280 meters. At the last peak, there have a lot tough to climb a rope up a huge rock. The first and the second have a beautiful panorama view but the last peak mostly blocks the view.

This is the way to go the peak of the Broga Hill
The hike was only taken 30 minutes. When we arrived at the top, the air was still cool and the sky was still dark.

This is me at the peak